【店頭在庫あり 新品】PPC M1(エムワン)ウイング 6.5 PPC Foiling (WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル ウイング
カラー及びキャノピー部分の窓アリアリ・ナシはご注文の際にご確認いただきますようお願いします。都度輸入元に確認の上、在庫のあるもののご案内となりますことご理解の上ご注文くださいますようお願いします。 完成度の高いハイパフォーマンスウイング SURGE(サージ)は「突然の強力な前進または上方への動き」の名前を与えられたこのウィングはニュージーランドで生まれ、世界中で愛用されておりさらなる改良により「SURGE V2」へ進化しました。ウィングを設計するとき、PPC社はウィングが本当に必要とする性能を理解するために、大量のプロトタイプを作り研究を重ねました。研究を重ねることでウィングに本当に必要な機能や性能を理解し本ウィングに組み込むことができています。最近、英国のSUPboarder Magazineによって、世界で最も評価の高いウィングの1つとして選ばれました。SURGEウィングを使ったラーダーはその性能に驚かされることでしょう。 V1からの改良はマイナーチェンジではあるものの乗り味には大きく影響を及ぼしており、ハイパフォーマンスな性能はそのままによりマイルドで扱いやすいカドの取れたウィングへと進化しました。 サイズ別重量 ・2.8㎡ー1.94kg ・3.8㎡ー2.15kg ・4.8㎡ー2.38kg ・5.8㎡ー2.87kg V1との違い V1からの変更点はマイナーチェンジではありますが使用感や乗り味へ大きく影響を及ぼしております。 リーディングエッジ直径の変更 リーディングエッジの中央部分の直径を2mm太くしより強度が高くなりました。 リーディングエッジエンドチップの角度 リーディングエッジのエンドチップ部分の角度が変更されました。画像の矢印方向へ開くように角度が変更されたことで、風が逃げやすくなりトルク感がマイルドになりました。 V1に比べ必要以上に風を掴みすぎなくなったため操作性も向上しており、カドが取れより扱いやすいウィングになりました。 これにより、V1が使いにくかった初心者や軽量ライダー、力のない方へもオススメしやすくなっております。 ハンドルの強化 ハンドルを少し固くし経年劣化で形状がヘタりにくくなりました。またハンドルの太さも若干太くなり握りやすくなりました。
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-Wing XPS Lightwind Wing 8.0m Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-Wing XPS Lightwind Wing 7.0m Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
電食防止潤滑剤 ULTRA TEF-GEL 2oz 56g テフジェル テフゲル
電食防止潤滑剤 ULTRA TEF-GEL テフジェルの効果 Uitra Safety Systems(ウルトラ セーフティーシステム)よりリリースされている「テフジェル」は 本体に含まれる特殊成分の効果により電蝕、錆び、腐食、摩耗、カジリ等を防ぐことが可能となります。 防また原材料にPTFF(ポリテトラフロロエチレン)を素材とした潤滑ジェルを使用しているために乾燥や硬化がありません。 またアメリカの一流マリン用品や製造メーカー、航空機の整備や自動車の整備にもテフジェルは採用されております。 TEF-GELの効果 ◆アウトボード、アウトドライブ、ステアリング、アウトリガー、フィッシングタックル、ダビット、マスト及びブームなどのアルミニウム素材にステンレスボルトやスクリューを使用した場合の電食防止 ◆桟橋周辺の部品や照明器具などの塗装面のブリスター(塗装剥離)の防止 ◆ボートチェア、ヒンジ、ターンバックル、リールシートなどの可動部分の固着防止 ◆ステンレスボルトとナットの固着防止 各国の市場にて最も売れている理由について メンテナンス性が優れている マリン業界や金属産業において最も問題となっているのが 電蝕、錆び、腐食、摩耗、カジリ等や表面塗装のブリスター(剥離)などです。 TEF-GELを塗布することで大幅に予防することが可能となりました。 主成分であるPTPE(ポリテトラフロロエチレン)をペースト状に加工することにより あらゆる天候条件下での使用が可能となり、ボート部品で多く使用されている回転やスライド部分の固着なども 解消することが可能となっております。 使用方法もとても簡単ですので、どなたでも扱うことが可能です。 快適なマリンライフの為にもサムテックではテフジェルを推奨いたします。
電食防止潤滑剤 ULTRA TEF-GEL 20cc シリンジ テフジェル テフゲル
電食防止潤滑剤 ULTRA TEF-GEL テフジェルの効果 Uitra Safety Systems(ウルトラ セーフティーシステム)よりリリースされている「テフジェル」は 本体に含まれる特殊成分の効果により電蝕、錆び、腐食、摩耗、カジリ等を防ぐことが可能となります。 防また原材料にPTFF(ポリテトラフロロエチレン)を素材とした潤滑ジェルを使用しているために乾燥や硬化がありません。 またアメリカの一流マリン用品や製造メーカー、航空機の整備や自動車の整備にもテフジェルは採用されております。 TEF-GELの効果 ◆アウトボード、アウトドライブ、ステアリング、アウトリガー、フィッシングタックル、ダビット、マスト及びブームなどのアルミニウム素材にステンレスボルトやスクリューを使用した場合の電食防止 ◆桟橋周辺の部品や照明器具などの塗装面のブリスター(塗装剥離)の防止 ◆ボートチェア、ヒンジ、ターンバックル、リールシートなどの可動部分の固着防止 ◆ステンレスボルトとナットの固着防止 各国の市場にて最も売れている理由について メンテナンス性が優れている マリン業界や金属産業において最も問題となっているのが 電蝕、錆び、腐食、摩耗、カジリ等や表面塗装のブリスター(剥離)などです。 TEF-GELを塗布することで大幅に予防することが可能となりました。 主成分であるPTPE(ポリテトラフロロエチレン)をペースト状に加工することにより あらゆる天候条件下での使用が可能となり、ボート部品で多く使用されている回転やスライド部分の固着なども 解消することが可能となっております。 使用方法もとても簡単ですので、どなたでも扱うことが可能です。 快適なマリンライフの為にもサムテックではテフジェルを推奨いたします。
【1点のみ店頭在庫あり 送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE JAM HM CARBON 1600 (WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン dockstart ドックスタート
PLANE JAM HM CARBON 1600 フロントウイング&スタビライザー&アクセサリー&フロントウイングのセットになります セット内容: フロントウイング FW JAM HM CARBON 1600 スタビライザー MONOBLOCK TAIL XXS 200 PUMPING アクセサリー TOOL TORX T30
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 690(MONOBLOCK XXXS + DW190)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW PLANE EAGLE 690 + MONOBLOCK TAIL XXXS DW190 + TOOL TORX T30 EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 790(XXXS + DW190)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW EAGLE HM CARBON 790 + XXXS DW190 + TOOL TORX T30 EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 890(XXS + DW210)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW EAGLE HM CARBON 890 + XXS DW210 + TOOL TORX T30 EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 990(XXS + DW210)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW PLANE EAGLE 990 + MONOBLOCK XXS + STAB DW210 + TOOL TORX EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 1090(XXS + DW210)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW EAGLE HM CARBON 1090 + XXS DW210 + TOOL TORX T30 EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE EAGLE HM CARBON 1290(XXS + DW210)(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
FW EAGLE HM CARBON 1290 + XXS DW210 + TOOL TORX T30 EAGLE HM CARBON The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water. Remarkable speed and downwind performances Unrivaled time above the water Thin and optimized design for minimal drag Available in 690cm² / 790 cm² / 890 cm² / 990 cm² / 1090 cm² / 1290cm² Ref. 77227-0130 / 77227-0131 / 77227-0132 / 77227-0133 / 77227-0134 / 77227-0135
【次回入荷分予約 送料無料★新品】F-one PLANE JAM HM CARBON 1900(WINGFOIL FOIL WING) ウイングフォイル Fone エフワン
【各色店頭在庫あり 新品】ウイングキャノピー補修 リペアークロステープ(スピンクロス)日本船具 (ウイング プローン サーフ ボード) プローンボード prone board アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
※色のご指定はご注文後にお問い合わせください。 ウイングキャノピー補修剤 元々はヨット用の補修素材ですが いろいろ試した結果、キャノピーの補修にはこちらの商品がおすすめです。 表面、裏面ともこのスピンクロスを貼るのみです。 粘着性は抜群です。 素材自体が薄いので補修した際の厚みも気になりません。 激しく破れた場合はこれにkitefixを裏側にのに使って表面はこのスピンクロスを使うのがおススめです https://pyromania.theshop.jp/items/35070199 リペアークロステープ(スピンクロス)のメーカーサイト説明文 ヨットのスピンネーカーに使用されている66ナイロンリップ・ストップ生地に、耐抗性に優れたアクリル系粘着剤を添付しました。市販されている布製の粘着テープとは比較にならないほどの粘着性があります。色もカラフルに8色! ヨットのスピンネーカー補修用テープの他、レジャー関係では熱気球・ハンググライダー・シーアンカー等、また、日用品関係ではダウンジャケットやシート・クッションなどの補修に幅広く御利用いただけます。 本体サイズ(約) 幅80×長900mm パッケージサイズ(約) 幅109×高255mm
【新品】Armstrong foils FG board Wing Surf 4'0" (122cm) 27L (ウイング プローン サーフ ボード) プローンボード prone board アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
アームストロングフォイルズのボードは、1or2ヶ月ごとに定期的に国内に入荷はしていますがほぼ予約販売分と各ショップ様への卸販売で埋まってしまいますためネットショップでのご注文分は原則取り寄せとさせていただいています。タイミングによっては弊社国内在庫がある場合もございますのでお問い合わせください。ご案内の金額は船便輸送を使いまして1or2ヶ月おきの定期発注の船便で日本に到着する便を使用しました上でのご案内価格となります。 ご注文いただくタイミングによっては当社からアームストロング本社(ニュージーランド)への発注タイミングの差で通常よりお待ちいただく場合もございますことご理解いただきました上でご注文くださいますようお願いします。 尚、別途空輸便を使っての個別での取り寄せも可能です。 その場合は追加で空輸便送料をご負担いただく必要がございますのでご承知ください。 空輸ご希望の場合はご注文前にお問い合わせいただきますようお願いします。 Wing Surf Sizes: 4’0"(27L)/ 4’5”(34L)/4’10”(39L) Wing Surf Weights: 4’0"(6.5lbs - 2.95kg)/ 4’5”(7.5lbs - 3.4kg)/4’10”(8.3lbs - 3.8kg) Weights listed are average weights. Actual weights may vary by + or - 200g 記載されている重量はあくまで平均重量です。 実際の重量は±250g程度異なる場合があります。 https://www.armstrongfoils.com/media/2406/fg-boards-info.pdf
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 2.6 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 3.0 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 3.5 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 4.0 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 4.6 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 5.3 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm
【在庫あり】F-one V Footstrap Vストラップ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイルArmstrong Foils
F-ONE Vストラップ ウイングフォイル用 V-Straps Foilboard 特徴 新しいV-STRAPSはフォイルボード用に特別にデザインされました。 形状や素材は、ライディング中に最高の快適さとサポートをもたらすように選択されています。 ストラップの内側には薄いネオフリース素材があり、快適さと柔らかさをもたらします。 前足用のメインV字型パーツは、1列または2列のインサートを持つボードに対応しています。 【付属】 ・1x フロントVストラップ ・1x バックストラップ ・1x Vブロック(Vストラップの中心に置いてネジ止めするためのもの) ・6x セルフタッピングネジ 5x25mm (SUS 316) ・6x 金属ワッシャー (SST 316), 外径 14mm ・4x プラスチックワッシャー(厚さ=2mm)、外径17mm
【新品】 DWP930 Armstrong Foil Front Wing アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
THE DOWNWIND PERFORMANCE FOIL RANGE Superior glide for skilled paddlers in lighter conditions. The first foils in our new Armstrong Performance Series, the Downwind Performance range was specifically developed to race in the SUP downwind division across Hawaii’s interisland channels. Already a proven Molokai2Oahu World Championship podium-finisher under the feet of team rider Oskar Johansson, the DW Performance range is tailored for expert level SUP downwind aficionados seeking next level freedom in open water. Access Ultimate Speed The product of cutting edge hydrodynamics and foil technology. Project development began with collecting waveform and real world riding data from Hawaii’s interisland channels to set specific design parameters. Leading fluid dynamics (CFD) resources helped optimise a foil shape that had extreme top end glide with accessible low end flight speeds for race starts in milder conditions. The result is remarkably stable at high velocities. “These foils have a speed range like nothing else I have ridden. They have a low enough stall speed for getting on foil, but then have an incredibly high top end that allows you to ride the fast open ocean swells. The foils also have a very neutral front and back foot pressure that doesn't change with different speeds, giving a comfortable feel at high speeds.” - Oskar Johansson, Armstrong team rider and 2023 Molokai2Oahu 2nd place finisher Features Maximum glide Aspect ratio (AR) 13.0-13.55 Ultra-premium construction Made from Toray intermediate and high modulus carbon fibre Stable at speed A thin section and subtle anhedral to dihedral shape becomes more pitch and roll stable at higher speeds without feeling locked in. Evolutive section profile The foil section is slightly different at each station across the foil span for maximum efficiency. Performance Series On the cutting edge Our Performance Series represents the pinnacle of Armstrong foiling equipment. Created to push boundaries in design process and material selection, these products invite advanced riders on a truly next-level riding experience. The A+ System The A+ System is our proprietary foil assembly design that joins the mast, fuselage, front foil and stabiliser together for a solid and smooth feeling on the water. Hexagonal carbon fibre fuselage with a titanium rod core has progressive flex qualities that balance stiffness with a uniquely smooth feel underfoot. Minimises flex from the extreme torsional forces produced by high aspect foils. Premium 316 steel and titanium hardware eliminates corrosion and provides a naturally snug fit, no tef gel required. Polycarbonate Pro shims allow for half degree incremental changes to stabiliser pitch for incredibly easy tuning of the foil’s flight characteristics. Specifications Area: 930cm2 Span: 1100mm Aspect Ratio: 13
【店頭在庫あり 新品】A-WING XPS 6.1 Armstrong foils (ウイング) アームストロングフォイルズ ウイングフォイル フォイル WINGFOIL アームストロングフォイル
あらゆるライディングスタイルに対応する次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロール サイズは2.6から6.1平方メートルまで new A-WingであるXPSは free flying・wave・freestyleのいずれにおいても、 次世代のパフォーマンス、パワー、コントロールを可能としてます。 A-Wing XPSを次のレベルに押し上げるために、 世界有数のウイングとカイトのデザイナーを起用しました。 新しい A-Wing XPS の各パーツやサイズは、 幅広いライディング・コンディションで考え抜かれ、テストされ、微調整されリリースされました。 革新的なクロスパネルセイル(XPS)デザインにより、ライディング性能は抜群です。 このパネルレイアウトは、ウイングの重さを分散させると同時にフレーム剛性を向上させることでセイルの歪みを大幅に軽減しています。 これによりどのサイズも非常にダイレクトでコントロールしやすいフィーリングとなり、簡単で快適なフライトとライディングを可能にしています。 取り外し可能なカーボンファイバー製バテンは トレーリングエッジのフラッターを最小限に抑え、 様々な風の強さに対応するキャノピーチューニングを容易にします。 The XPS’s airfoil section combined with our pre-twist tip geometry produces incredible speed with sublime upwind performance. This greatly benefits jump amplitude for freestyle manoeuvres and delivers plenty of hang time and float for smooth landings. This wing is also a wave rider’s dream with little to no luffing or sail flutter and excellent stability, allowing the rider to focus less on the wing and more on shredding the wave. A newly developed hybrid carbon handle (HCH) design has a rigid carbon interior skeleton and soft padded exterior. This combination offers the best balance of control, comfort and safety. We tested hundreds of individual materials during the development of the XPS. We settled on the new generation high quality lightweight Dacron, tried and tested polyester Dacron and Ultra PE woven laminate (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene) for key reinforcements. The result is a highly refined combination of materials which delivers impressive strength to weight, durability and overall performance. “Our company is specialised in water sport equipment design with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We were approached by Armstrong to be part of their wing design team and bring our experience and knowledge to a very dedicated team. Only knowing Armstrong through their extensive and high quality foil range, we were very interested to start working with them. The research program started by understanding the philosophy behind the brand and making sure the members of the development team would be on the same page. After an introduction to their existing products and R&D team, we worked for quite a while on the design brief. No need to start designing something if you don’t know where you are going, right? We were surprised by the level of detail that went into those long meetings trying to refine every idea, brainstorming and making sure the new wing would be the best it can be and respond to all the market demands. After the brief was finalised, it was interesting to have no limits on the R&D capacity. Since day one, there was no restriction of materials, costs, making samples, testing, travelling to the factories. This made our job as designers very interesting to think outside the box and explore different directions. On top of that, the Armstrong team has very tight connections with the sailing world especially with the America’s Cup NZ team. Their sailing background and their network with the sailing industry was pushing us to rethink every part of the wing with a different vision, even things we thought were dialled in, had to be redesigned. To be honest, we never expected to put in countless hours of work to redo the design, iteration after iteration, but the hours don't count when the final result is getting closer. The emotions were always high between pure joy of achievement and frustration when prototypes were not delivering the expected results. But the results were always analysed thoughtfully to bring the best for future samples. We handed over all the information to the production team who put in place high level quality control of the construction to make sure that the product customers ride will be the product we had in mind during this long process. In a few words: when are we starting the next project?” – A-Wing XPS design team Sizes: 2.6, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.1m2. A Wing XPS 2.6m ¥149,900 A Wing XPS 3.0m ¥152,900 A Wing XPS 3.5m ¥156,900 A Wing XPS 4.0m ¥159,900 A Wing XPS 4.6m ¥163,300 A Wing XPS 5.3m ¥167,900 A Wing XPS 6.1m ¥172,700 Package: The A-Wing XPS comes complete with a carry bag, wrist leash, extra battens and a patch kit. Wing Span: 3.5m : 2776mm 4.0m: 2955mm 4.6m: 3062mm 5.3m: 3193mm 6.1m: 3380mm